The world of Media has been evolving faster than ever before.

Independent Media Corp is born at the cusp of the monumental technological transformation of how we would access content in the next few years.

With passing years, technology is making modern day communication turn primitive.

Almost suddenly the good old newspaper, our window to the world for nearly hundred years, was made redundant by a box planted in our drawing rooms, instantly flashing motion pictures and sound. And just when we had settled down with the Television news, delivering incessantly, day and night, sunshine or rainy day, arrived the fascinating world of internet delivering content quicker than the Television Broadcaster. Global hardware brands competing for profits are now busy turning the Television into a technological powerhouse of instant communication. In years to come, Television devices with built in internet shall make traditional satellite broadcasters irrelevant.

Independent Media Corp, is a new age “All Digital” media entity.

Striding across three broad genres: News, Entertainment & Infotainment, Independent Media Corp, is seeking audience who have crossed the barriers of Print & Television. And there are a mind boggling 700 million Indians who have switched over to the digital media platform already. That number is growing by month.


Headquartered at New Delhi with bureaus in Delhi, Mumbai & Kolkata, Independent Media Corp is  professionally managed, boot started and with strong reliance on both brand advertisement, subscriptions & crowd funding. Guided by the basic tenement of media: Non alignment, the entity seeks to remain neutral in the world dominated by partisanship.

And as you read this piece, your phone beckons you to watch our programs and binge on our news portals for unfolding news by hour.


We are an open media platform, allowing your comments and inputs regarding our content to get published in all the news platforms.

With state of the art studio facilities, cutting edge Pre and Post production hardware and battery of diverse media professionals on its payroll, Independent Media Corp, is a self funded Media entity focussed on Pan India audience with special outlook for global audience who are seeking Indian specific content.



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